In this article, we want to point out some indicators used to determine if your FortiGate is under attack.
In this article, we want to point out some indicators used to determine if your FortiGate is under attack.
Especially on Fortigates with little memory (e.g. FG60F, FG50G) it makes sense to configure the device in a memory-saving way. Ideally – of course – without reducing the memory by disabling certain features.
From time to time we face performance problems on FortiGate units in our daily support life. Most often the impacts of performance problems on the FortiGate are not typical. Or let’s say “not as an admin that is not familiar with FortiGates would expect”. The expectations vary from high delay…
Wir haben in den letzten Monaten einige FortiGates gesehen, welche regelmässig den Fehler 2018-01-01 10:10:10 [__cmdb_bg_fork:670] fork( ) failed: 12(Cannot allocate memory) auf der seriellen und der SSH Konsole ausgeben. Teilweise erscheint der Fehler immer, teilweise erst nach einem “diag debug enable”. Auf der seriellen Konsole erscheint der Fehler immer,…